Hassle-Free Returns Policy

At Espayo Equestrian, we are committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with every order. If you're not fully satisfied with your purchase, we make returning items easy and straightforward.

Return Notification Period

You have 14 days from the date of receiving your parcel to notify us of your intent to return an item. To initiate a return, simply email us at orders@espayoequestrian.com, including your order number and a brief description of the reason for the return.

Return Shipping Period

Once you've notified us, you’ll have a further 14 days to send the item back to us. Please ensure that your return is postmarked within this timeframe.

Return Shipping Address

All returns should be sent to the following address: Espayo Equestrian,
The Coterie, Henley-In-Arden,
Warwickshire, B95 5DZ,
United Kingdom.

Return Instructions

  • Please include your name and telephone number inside your return package so we can promptly process your refund or exchange.
  • Items must be returned in their original condition and packaging, with all labels attached.

Refunds & Exchanges

Upon receiving and inspecting your return, we will notify you and process your refund or exchange promptly. Please note that refunds will be credited via the original payment method used at checkout.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your return, feel free to contact us at orders@espayoequestrian.com. We are always here to help!

We value your business and strive to provide exceptional customer service with every order. Thank you for shopping with Espayo Equestrian.